The University of Toledo College Republicans are taking a lot of heat for a controversial move they are making to protect students against persecution by powerful leftist professors.
The UT College Republicans are compiling a list of openly left-wing professors who discriminate against conservative students.
The list won’t have any force. It can’t be used to prosecute professors. It can’t be used to have them fired or even discliplined for abusing the power of their positions.
What it can be used for is to help conservative students avoid classes where vindictive and small-minded professors abuse their power to lower the grade point averages of conversative students and custom essay papers. It can be used to protect students against having their future educational goals and future careers sabotaged by leftist activism.
This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Many years ago I was a young political science student and my educational goals were permanently sabotaged by a leftist professor who was unfortunately also the acting head of my department and my official academic advisor on custom essay writing. The permanent department head was on an official leave of absence — working for the Democratic party. I was obviously not attending one of the best universities which our nation has to offer.
My professor told the class that we were free to express our opinions and asked us to speak up. I pointed out that at the end of the Cuban missile crisis, we had no actual proof that the crates which were shipped back to the Soviet Union actually contained the missiles in question — we had only photographs of the outside of the crates. That was too much for my professor and I was ejected from the department.
In retrospect, being kicked out of the political science department and being unable to complete my degree was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I have since gone on to found two successful businesses and have been able to effectively retire at a very young age. At the time, it did not seem so positive.
The far left has dominated colleges and universities across America for almost forty years, consistently stifling freedom of speech and of thought. It’s time that Americans act to bring intellectual freedom back to these important institutions.
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15 лет назад
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